Year End Christmas Offering We are excited to announce our 2015 Christmas Offering! Gifts may be given through December 31st. The Christmas Offering is what we choose to give over and above our regular weekly giving. This year we will focus on these 3 main initiatives:
- Hope Women’s Centers: We will give 25% of our offering to the Hope Women’s Center. Hope Women’s Centers has been helping women make informed decisions about pregnancy since 1987. They are well-known for quality patient care. More information at
- Welcome Center: We will change the Sunday School office into the church Welcome Center. The Welcome Center is a place to be greeted, enjoy a cup of coffee, learn more about our faith community and our church. First-time visitors will receive a gift.
- Nursery: We are still working on updating our church nursery. It’s been many years, since the rooms have been updated. We will paint, new carpet and update the toys and equipment.
Why a Special Offering? As part of God’s plan to grow the faith of the people in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time (2 Corinthians 8:1-15). This special offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2016. This offering is to make a greater impact in 2016, both in our city and around the world.
What’s the difference between the regular offering and this special offering? The regular Hollywood Naz offering is the regular percentage giving that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. It is through our regular offering that the church is able to operate and do ministry. The Year End Christmas Offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith. The special offering should be over and above what you regularly give.
How much should I give? Because of the size and scope, this special offering will involve everyone! Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Many will be able to give $100 – $5,000. Some will be able to give $50 – $100. Whether you give $20 or $10,000, the issue is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice. What amount can you give that will stretch your faith?
When should I give? It’s totally up to you. Although Sunday, December 20th is the day that we are officially designating as the time to bring our best gift, you can give until December 31st. Please use the special RED Envelope for your Christmas Offering or mark your gift ‘Christmas’ on a regular envelope.
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