Start getting ready for another wonderful family gathering of the Southern Florida District! Every year in April we gather, representing churches from Miami to Bradenton, and from Naples to Fort Myers. Our general superintendent for this year and next is Dr. David Graves. We look forward to him presiding over our assemblies.
This year we gather with a focus on telling a Story. It is Our Story, but it is really HIS Story! It is the story of what God is doing in His people, among His people, and through his people. As your DS I am privileged to travel and visit 100 congregations. Oh the stories I’ve heard!! I want you to hear some of them as well. They will inspire you. They will make you cry and laugh and move you to action! They need to be handed down from generation to generation. Come and hear the stories and be blessed! Some of the stories may even be from your own church.
This year we are using a bit of a different format. In order to avoid making a second trip to the assembly site, all the activities of the three conventions (NMI, NYI and SDMI) as well as District Assembly, will be held during a Thursday-Saturday schedule. We begin Thursday evening and conclude Saturday afternoon. Ordination will be Saturday mid-morning. More details on the schedule will be provided later. Please set aside the dates and plan to be present for the entire time if possible.
This is Our Story: From Generation to Generation!
District Assembly and Conventions 2018 — April 19-21, 2018
We are believing 1,000 of our SFD Nazarenes will gather for this celebration. Bradenton First Church will be hosting us this year, and we look forward to their hospitality.
The fiscal year ends January 31, 2018 and pastors will be completing their online annual reports in February. Board of Ministry Interviews and Pastors Prep Days are February 16 (Fort Myers) and February 17 (Pompano Beach). The exciting march toward Assembly 2018 begins!