The Southern Florida Ladies’ Retreat (April 7-8, at LPCCC) is a time to fellowship, worship, pray, eat, shop, and enjoy God’s presence as we rest from our daily responsibilities and recharge our spiritual and emotional batteries. This year Karen Fry, who has fulfilled many roles, will minister to our ladies. New this year is more free time and language translation. Cost: $85 (until March 24), $95 (March 25-31). A detailed flyer and a registration form have been distributed to our SFD churches. Please contact Diane Rudd with your questions; call/text 772-260-3094, or Email Diane Rudd
Information: Ladies, you Regwill want to join us for a women’s weekend of resting in the presence of the Lord and fellowshipping with other ladies from across the Southern Florida District. This year Karen Fry will minister to our ladies. Her theme is “An Army with Banners” (Song of Solomon 6:10). Karen Fry is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. She has filled many roles over the years which include: Teacher, Supervisor, Minister to Young Adults, Minister of Christian Education, Principal, Staff Writer, Editor, Associate Pastor, Pastor, and Vice President for University Relations. She and her husband, Alland, currently live in Tampa, Florida. This weekend is a time for you to get together with other women, fellowship, worship, pray, eat, and enjoy God’s presence as we rest from our daily responsibilities and recharge our spiritual and emotional batteries!
Register Online
Click Here – District Ladies Retreat 2017
Retreat Schedule
Friday, April 7
4:00 PM Check-In (Grace Place)
5:00 PM Dinner (Dining Hall)
6:00 PM Free Time
7:00 PM Session 1 (Grace Place)
Saturday, April 8
8:00 AM Breakfast (Dining Hall)
9:00 AM Free Time
10:00 AM Session 2 (Grace Place)
12:00 PM Lunch (Dining Hall)
1:30 PM Session 3 (Grace Place)
More Information:
Women’s Retreat 2017 Flyer
Women’s Retreat Registration Form 2017