Join us for
‘Welcome Home Sunday‘
June 14th at 10:30am
Our Schedule
– Service online: May 31st
– Service online: June 7th
– Service online & church building: June 14
– Service online & church building: June 21
– Service online & church building: June 28
CDC recommendations we will respect social distancing in the following ways:
– Seating will be arranged to provide at least 6 feet between households.
– If you are feeling ill, it is best for you to stay home and watch the service online.
– There will be no hand-outs or printed materials given.
– Communion: We plan to use prepackaged elements, that will be distributed as you enter the worship center.
– Children will stay with their families during worship services.
– The use of face masks is encouraged and appreciated. (We will have limited face masks available.)
– Public health: We encourage you to refrain from hugs, handshakes and other physical contact while at church.
– There will be hand sanitizer available. Everyone is asked to sanitize their hands when entering the building.
– For now, there will be no Sunday School, Fellowship time, Wednesday night service, nursery, children’s church, coffee bar, etc.
– Offering: Offering plates will only be held by the Ushers.
Remember, Clean Hands at church. – Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.
Protect yourself and family – Take precautions, limit your risk, and learn more about the virus. Please don’t rely on social media or the grapevine. The CDC is the best source for current and reliable information.
Have a great day!
John Weller