I am writing to bring you up to date concerning our church service and the Coronavirus-19.
God calls us to be examples to others. In Colossians 3:17, 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
The Governor for the State of Florida moved to reopen the State of Florida. However, he excluded three South Florida counties – Palm Beach, Broward and Dade for phase 1 of the re-opening. We are unsure when our city will open to regular activities or church services in our building.
When will we have services at Taylor Street? We are using the following phases to guide our reopening:
Phase 1 — places of worship may operate under “strict” physical distancing protocols. No gatherings of 10 or more unless social distancing can be exercised.
Phase 2 — places of worship may operate under “moderate” physical distancing protocols. No groups of 50 or more unless social distancing can be exercised.
Phase 3 — places of worship may operate under “limited” physical distancing protocols
Currently, you can watch our services at the church website: https://hollywoodnaz.wpenginepowered.com
Supporting the work of Hollywood Naz and our witness to the world is made possible by you and your generosity. As we have moved to online worship services in response to COVID-19, there has been a decrease in our giving. In addition, to our monthly ‘regular’ expenses, we’ve had additional expenses placed on us in recent weeks, which include cost incurred by moving to an online service format due to Covid-19, improvements and repairs required by our insurance company due to their recent inspection. Your financial help is needed and greatly appreciated.
There are four ways to give:
1. Give at our Sunday worship service.
2. Mail your donation to 5901 Taylor Street, Hollywood, Florida 33021.
3. Contribute anytime from anywhere through our website or EasyTithe app. Go to the website and give! www.hollywoodnaz.org or https://app.easytithe.com/app/giving/naz
4. You can give my texting – The number for ‘Text to Give’ is 954-266-0443.
Update Your Information – In order, to maintain communication and keep you updated about church events and/or service cancellations, remember to keep your contact information with us current by going to https://tapit.us/Rs0zK or https://hollywoodnaz.wpenginepowered.com/ and clicking on Connection Card. You may also email your information including name, cell phone and email address to [email protected]
We make up the Church and the Body of Christ! – It’s our time to shine! The world needs us! Let us be the light in this dark and alarming time. May we be good neighbors and friends to those around us.
Remember, Clean Hands at church. – Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.
Protect yourself and family – Take precautions, limit your risk, and learn more about the virus. Please don’t rely on social media or the grapevine. The CDC is the best source for current and reliable information.
Have a great day!
John H Weller